How to get longer out of kids shoes?
Have you heard about dual innersoles? No! Here’s a game-changer.
Brands like Clarks, ROC and Harrison provide styles with dual innersoles. Dual innersoles mean these styles of footwear have two innersoles. One innersole is stuck down inside the shoe whilst the one on top is removeable. With both innersoles inside, the shoe is an E width fitting (standard or average width) and once the removeable innersole is taken out the width becomes wider, to usually and F width fitting. This also means that if the shoe fits and is purchased with both innersoles inside as the child grows and begins to say their shoe is too tight, we can take this first, removeable innersole out and still wear the shoe! This is beneficial for shoes we intend to wear for longer than a season such as school shoes. Examples of dual innersole styles include all Harrision product, ROC School Shoes, Clarks Sport product and some Clarks school shoes such as League, Literacy and Bethany.